Sunday, 20 May 2007


- LiF3 $uX - says:
ehhh.. wat differentiates a famaous blogger from the otherwise?
naixoais says:
the way they blog

- LiF3 $uX - says:

naixoais says:
haha serious
naixoais says:
famous bloggers draw you in...they make their everyday life funny and interesting
naixoais says:
that's how they get so many people to read

- LiF3 $uX - says:
hahaha... while spastic david makes us emo
- LiF3 $uX - says:

naixoais says:
no haha
naixoais says:
his one makes himself emo
naixoais says:
and makes us laugh at him

- LiF3 $uX - says:


naixoais says:
you go promote your blog everywhere la lol
- LiF3 $uX - says:
hahaa.. no need.. still need 2 work on tat..
- LiF3 $uX - says:
da way i blog..
- LiF3 $uX - says:

naixoais says:
naixoais says:
naixoais says:
your blog consider ok already lol every few post got pics

I am flattered all thanks 2 aaron.. Wheee.. my blog is considered OK altho deep down inside my heart, i know it deserves more than an OK.. lol.. Neway, was curious to know what actually differentiates a famous blogger than the otherwise.. Fate?*according 2 ewa* Topics? Pics? More to pics wif birthday suits?.. If that's wat it takes, then i won't be hesitate to upload naked pics of mine.. *Despo and gross* Well, desperate times call for desperate measures..

When everyone is busy wif their fame n glory shit, comes a critic saying "What differentiates a good blogger than the otherwise is ethics.. Err.. I really don't know wat the hell her problem is but i hate it when i hafta agree to it.. She seriously gets on my nerves sometimes.. period here period there.. everywhere period.. Enuf blood ar?

Since spastic david posted entry bout his father's 3rd son.. So i shall post bout my father's 2nd daugther..

Don't hit me.. I did nth wrong.. jus a few holes digged, and a few pars of slippers munched


Scaredy dog.. during festive season, CNY wif all the bing bing bang bang..

Fav past time

Jus after bath..